La partition de l exil


The historical novel The partition of exile takes place in Łódź (Poland), Paris, Nice and Los Angeles. His main character is the French composer of Polish origin Alexandre Tansman (1897, Łódź-1986, Paris). He is surrounded by Maurice Ravel, George Gershwin, Igor Stravinsky and Vladimir Jankélévitch, friends who have staked his life and to whom he was deeply attached. Colette Cras, daughter of the French composer Jean Cras, and Ariane Scriabine, daughter of the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin, also play an essential role in the novel. The protagonists of this novel are inspired by these characters. However, some of the situations they go through are fictitious.

The historical and musical context in which this novel is written is strictly the result of specific research concerning the events that occurred during this period. While some are specific to the cities of Łódź, Paris or Los Angeles, others may present a local replica of international events.

The novel is articulated in two parts. The first, a retrospection, recounts the artistic, social, emotional and spiritual journey of this great composer, in the tormented context of the mutation of an era: childhood in Poland, Parisian beginnings, exile in America during the war, return to France. The second part, contemporary, deals with his last steps, but also friendships and reflections allowing him to sketch, as far as possible, the denouement of his life.